Sunday, December 13, 2009

Julia and Julia

On Saturday (12-12-09) morning Telford and I planned on hiking the Guadalupes "Bowl" hike. We woke up to very cold weather. Tel called the ranger station, which reported very high winds. After our "Peak" hike, we said we would never hike in Texas wind again. So instead I popped in the movie "Julia and Julia." I passed up the opportunity a few times at renting this movie, I instead let Tel pick out a less interesting movie (to me) to rent that he really wanted to see. When I finally decided to rent this movie, I honestly didn't think I would have enough interest or time to actually sit down and watch. But I am so glad I finally did.

Julia and Julia is such a great movie. There are only few movies that I can watch more than once within a year. But this movie is like an "Anne of Green Gables" to me. I could go watch it again right now. It is a motivating and inspiring movie. It not only motivates you to want to learn to bone an entire duck, but it inspires you to find one thing that you are passionate about and to be dedicated to that. Julia decided she would be passionate about going through Julia Child's cook book within one year. She completed 524 recipes in 365 days. WOW! That is crazy and expensive to me. But after watching the movie, I felt energized about life. Tel and I even contemplated going to Albertsons and buying a lobster to cook. We went as far as looking up recipes to cook Lobster, and after reading the in depth instructions, we decided we would go on a run instead.

I also watched this movie at an interesting time. Julia blogged every day about her cooking. I started my blog just a few weeks ago. But I am motivated to diligently post on it. I know I won't be reporting anything outstanding like my completion of a perfect "beef bourguignon," but I will post the little things of my days that I hope to remember years from now.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone. Meryl Streep does a fabulous job as an actress. I don't think I can say "butter" the same way I used to.

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