Sunday, February 27, 2011

Valentine's Day 

So...I guess i'm a little spoiled. For Valentine's day, Tel got me some pretty flowers, gum, york peppermint patties (that i've been obsessed with lately), a fossil watch, and a necklace. Oh and we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

Also, when I got off from work, in the lobby of our apt, there was free massages and chocholate covered strawberries. Definitely the best way to end a day at the office.
Sisters UNITE!

Last weekend (February 18th) some of the fam made a quick trip to Denver. It first started with Sasha coming to see me because she had some time off for President's day, and then Maren and my mom and dad decided to buzz on up to Denver as well. We had a great time. We celebrated my dad's 58th birthday on crazy! It was perfect weather to explore Denver and get some shopping done too! On Sunday I got sick with the flu for some reason, so to end a great weekend, I got sick and also had to say bye to Jared (he is so stinking cute). The cutest thing was when I was so sick and couldn't eat or drink a single thing, Jared was trying to feed handfulls of popcorn to me. But anyways, here are a few pics:

Who knew there was a cafe named after us?!