Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fun at Pastor Chad's House.

We had such a fun Friday night last night. Right after work Tel and I went and played racquetball with a guy I work with, Phillip and his girlfriend Katelyn.I didn't really think that Phylip and Katelyn would be that good.They didn't look like they were the most athletically inclined people. But, wow! was I wrong. Tel and I got schooled. It was actually really embarrassing. Then we split up the teams to be a little bit more fair. We played for a good hour and a half. It was such a good time. Now I am motivated to practice up our game and challenge Phylip and Katelyn again and attempt to redeem ourselves. After Racquetball we quickly got cleaned up.

Our good friends Sarah and Lawrence invited us to their Pastor and his wife's house of dinner and games. We didn't really know what was going to happen there, but we decided it would be something new and fun. The pastors name was Chad and his wife was Jessie. They just recently moved to Carlsbad and are young as well. They moved for Chad to be the new pastor of their church, "Church on the Move."They have one little boy and Jessie is due with her second baby on Monday! Crazy eh?! She was about to pop and making us all dinner. Dinner was great. She made lasagna, salad, and french bread. Sarah and I helped her finish up making dinner while the guys talked in the living room. I got quite educated on some pregnancy stuff during our little chat. I guess when you are 3 days away from labor, that is probably the main thing on your mind. After dinner we played "Trivia Pursuit, 90's", boys vs. girls. It was funny because when it wasn't the girls team, we all just sat there and talked about girl stuff, and when it was our turn, we basically did the same thing, so the end result, the boys creamed us.The boys were way into it. ha. Anyways, Chad and Jessie have the coolest salt and pepper shaker collection. It's an heirloom that has been passed down since the early 1900's. There are hundreds of them displayed in a huge glass hutch. There were the most unique S&P's in there. Anyways, it was such a fun night, I'm sure we will be hanging out with Chad and Jessie again.

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