Friday, January 15, 2010

Got the Bug to be Crafty..

So with Tel starting up a new semester and most of his classes are in the evenings I am feeling like accomplishing a few projects. I wasn't passed on the craftiness talent from my mom like I wish I was. So if I have an example of something I want to create right in front of me, I can do it. It's the coming up with new ideas and doing them that I struggle with. So I have 2 specific projects that I am going to do. One is a really cute recipe book made out of chipboard and the other is a "Countdown to Valentines" box. I have all the materials to complete these projects, so there is no reason I shouldn't get them done. I started on the recipe book last night while Tel was at his Chemistry class, and I got all the cutting done. So I will post pictures of the completed projects when that happens! I've never actually done anything crafty all by myself. I usually just help my mom do them, and then say I did most of it. So I am looking forward to feeling accomplished. Lately at work I feel like I'm so overwhelmed, but I get lots of things done there. But as far as myself away from work, I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything. I am used to being in school where I can see direct results of my life progressing with each completed class. Anyways, I'm just really excited to do these projects!

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