Thursday, February 4, 2010

"The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks

So I guess you can say I'm on a "Nicholas Sparks" kick. I finished reading his book, "The Choice." It was a good book. I like reading his books because they are such easy reads that are easy to read during carpool, and it doesn't matter if the radio is playing or I talk here and there with people in the car, because the book is so easy to follow it doesn't ruin it for you. And also, when I'm around people while reading sad books, I tend to not get as involved and emotional in the book, making it a less painful read. If I'm reading by myself with no one around, I'll end up crying  my eyes out! So I guess that is my explanation behind reading these books. 



Description of the book:

Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life -- boating, swimming, and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies -- he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Despite his attempts to be neighborly, the appealing redhead seems to have a chip on her shoulder about him...and the presence of her longtime boyfriend doesn't help. Despite himself, Travis can't stop trying to ingratiate himself with his new neighbor, and his persistent efforts lead them both to the doorstep of a journey that neither could have foreseen. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family, The Choice ultimately confronts us with the most heartwrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

My thoughts:

If you plan on reading the book, don't keep reading because I am going to ruin the ending. At the end of the book, Travis's wife Gabby ends up in a coma from a car accident they were in. Years before Travis had promised Gabby that if she was ever in a situation that she couldnt' make a decision on her own that he would make the decision to end her life in the case of a coma or anything similar instead of dragging it out. When Travis is approaching the 12 week mark of Gabby still in a coma, he is faced with "the choice" to pull the plug or to transfer her into a nursing home.He can either keep his promise to Gabby and pull the plug, or follow his insticts and keep her alive....He makes the decision to transfer her to a nursing home and to just have faith that she will wake up. While reading this book, I knew Gabby wasn't going to wake up because all of Nicholas Sparks book end very sad. BUT she wakes up within the year! Their little family is reunited and things end happily ever after!! I can't imagine pulling the plug on someone that has only been in a coma for 12 weeks, (3 months)! That probably seems like such a long time in the moment, but in reality, 3 months is not that long. I don't know how anyone could give up in that short amount of time.But this is a good book with a great ending. Gabby only lost 7 months with her family, but could have lost many more, if Travis would've made a different choice.

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