Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend with the Sisters

Last week I did a Career Fair in Albuquerque for work. I was there for three days and hosted the fair at a Hilton Hotel in Albuquerque. Sasha flew into Albuquerque on the last night I was there. So I picked her up and she stayed the night with me at the hotel and then we did some shopping the next day, which was April Fool's day.
Sasha got April fooled pretty bad. Her friend told her that her prom dress had gotten ruined at the dry cleaners and she was freaking out about that. So then we felt that we needed to pass on a prank. So we told Alex, Sasha's friend some story about getting my two front teeth knocked out., because Sasha tripped me. It was the dumbest, but funniest story ever.It pretty much entertained us for the entire 4 1/2 hour drive from Albuquerque to Carlsbad. It was such a windy drive home. We seen 2 semis that had been blown over on the side of the road.

On Friday, Lisa got into Carlsbad too. That night we grilled up some burgers and went to the drive-inn. The next morning we went and golfed the Par 3 course and laid out by the river. Bad idea not to wear sunscreen! My legs look like lobster legs. Sometimes I forget that I have red hair, and along with that, I have red haired skin and I burn! Sasha made thin crust pizza dough for dinner, and we all made our own pizzas. FUN!

Sunday was even hotter than Saturday, the high being like 89 degrees. We were so hot in our house. We made Cafe Rio's pork salads. So with the crock pot on and the stove on, our house was soooooo miserably hot! But the salads turned out great! I wore sunscreen when we were outside on Sunday though. I learned my lesson from the day before. Because of the weather, it didn't really feel like Easter Sunday. . There were so many BBQ's going on at the river that it felt more like the 4th of July. But it was a fun Easter!

Over the weekend we made many trips over to the house we are buying to see the progress of the texturing on the walls and ceilings. It is now paint ready! So Lisa and I are going to be painting our little arms off this week! Yah for Lisa's paint skills to help me. I will have to post pictures of the finished, painted rooms.

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