Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up!

Friday after work, Tel and I golfed the par 3 course. It's such a convenient and nice course for us. We caught up to the golfers in front of us, which ended up being Nick and Stacey and their kids. So we joined them and finished up the next 5 or 6 holes. It was a lot of fun. We finished up with hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range. Tel is totally in his groove now. If only I could kink my elbow different like Tel did and be able to hit as straight as he's hitting now! He was so bumped when we left! haha it was fun.

Saturday, we woke up and met with the running/walking group from work at 7am. There were only 7 of us so we ended up just walking 2 miles along the river. Then Rudy bought us all breakfast at Dennys! Lol. We all thought it was funny that are watches told us we burned something like 134 calories, so we made jokes that we could only eat 134 calories at Dennys....ya right!

Saturday evening we had a BBQ at Will's new house. It was a ton of fun. We grilled lots of food and I took Strawberry shortcake, that was a big hit!! Strawberries are so good and cheap right now! I should've made some jam this week like Maren did. Anyways, we met some fun new people at the BBQ. Will's girlfriend, Katie Jo is super cute. We are hopefully gonna get a softball team going this summer. We also met a guy, John that is hilarious. He was tap dancing while juggling for us.He is also quite the story teller. He made me feel like I was actually at a Circus because of the way he would describe some of the circus acts that he has seen. His nickname is "John Carnie." Which fits him well.I guess he is a man of many traits. Scrabble is probably the only thing I could ever beat him at. So he was most of our entertainment for the night. We also played some fun games. I totally dominated scrabble! Whoot, Whoot!  We also played a way fun game, "Last Word." That Will won. It was so nice to sit around a fire and chill too! Yah! bring on the camping season.Super excited for Brittney and Brady to move here!

Sunday's church was great. After church the missionaries stopped by for a bit. Then Tel and I went and played some basketball on the hoops across our street. Then went on a 5 mile walk! Go us. Our feet are just going to keep going and going and going at Disney World. We are gonna cover some serious ground.

PS. 2 days until DISNEY WORLD!

We have our days all planned out, according to park hours and other events! Super excited.

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